
Jan 18, 2013

Top 10 lowest Temperature in the world

Here is the list of lowest temperature ever recorded on earth. I am sure that after reading this list you will also start feeling chill even your room temperature is hot. If we see the list we can easily find out that Antarctica is the coldest place on earth.

10- Fort Selkirk, Yukon (Canada) – Fort Selkirk is located in Yukon, Canada. Lowest temperature here was -58.9 C (-74 F).

9- Prospect Creek (USA) – Prospect Creek is located in Alaska, USA and the coldest place in United States. Lowest temperature was recorded at -62.1 C (or -79.8 F) on 23 January 1975.

8- Snag and Mayo, Yukon (Canada) – Snag and Mayo are two villages located in Yukon, Canada. Snag is 25 km far from Beaver Creek, Yukon, Canada. Lowest temperature recorded in Snag was -63 C (or -81 F) on 3 February 1947. Lowest temperature in Mayo was -62.2 C (or -80 F) on 3 Feb, 1947. 

7- Eismitte (Greenland) - Eismitte is located in the interior of Greenland. It was a campsite of Arctic expedition at 3000 meters above sea level. Lowest temperature recorded here was – 64.9 C (or -85 F).

6- North Ice (Greenland) - North Ice is a research station in Greenland at 2135 meters above sea level. It had lowest temperature on 9 January 1954 which was-66.1 C (or -87 F). 

5- Verkhoyansk (Russia) - Verkhoyansk is a small town and located in Sakha Republic of Russia. It has population of 1311 in 2010. Verkhoyansk’s lowest temperature was -63.2 C (or -81.2 F) in February 1892. Verkhoyansk had temperature of 40.0 C on 19 July 1982 which gives a temperature difference of 109.8 C (or 197.5) between highest and lowest temperature of Verkhoyansk. It is also the biggest temperature difference for any place.

4- Oymyakon (Russia) - Village Oymyakon is located in Sakha Republic of Russia. Oymyakon is the world’s coldest inhabited area having a population of 472 in 2010. The land area is always frozen. In 1924, temperature was dropped to -71.2 C (or -96.2F). It is also the lowest temperature recorded on earth except Antarctica. One interesting fact is that on July 28, 2010 the temperature was high at 34.6 C (or 94F), yielding a temperature range of 105.8 C (or 190.4 F), second highest in history.  

3- Dome A (East Antarctica) - Dome Argus is an Antarctica plateau located near East Antarctica at 4091 meters above sea level. The coldest temperature in Dome A was -82.5 C (or -116.5 F) in July 2005. It is the highest point of ice sheet in Antarctic region. 

2- Plateau station and Amundsen-Scott South Pole station (Antarctica) - Both station are American scientific research station and located in Antarctica. Plateau station is now inactive where the lowest temperature recorded was – 86.2 C (or -123.16 F). Lowest temperature recorded in Amundsen-Scott South pole station was -82.8 C (or -117F). It is also the only land area where the sun is continuously rise for 6 months and fall for rest of the year. This is one of the most important reason of such extreme weather condition.

1- Vostok Station (Antarctica) - Vostok Station is a Russian Antarctic research station at 3488 meters above sea level. It has world record of measured lowest temperature ever on earth. Lowest temperature ever recorded was bone chilling -89.2 °C (or -128.6 °F) on 21 July 1983.  

1 comment:

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