Here is the list of top ten manual traffic exchanges. This list is based on various factors like timer, credits earned per view, total members, average views daily and little money you can earn there.
1- Easyhits4u
1- Easyhits4u
Surf ratio = 1:1 Timer = 20 seconds 30 cents per 1000 clicks
2- TrafficG
Surf ratio = 1:1 Timer = 15 seconds
3- Traffic Swirl
Surf ratio = 5:4 Timer = 8 seconds
My favorite traffic exchange
4- Smiley Traffic
Surf ratio = 2:1 Timer = 10 seconds 2 cents every 100 clicks
5- Vast Hits
Surf ratio = 4:3 Timer = 10 seconds 30 cents every 1000 clicks
6- Hit2Hit
Surf ratio = 2:1 Timer = 6 seconds $440 in referral contest!
7- 247TrafficPro
Surf ratio= 1:1 Timer = 15 seconds
8- ThumbVu
Surf ratio = 3:1 Timer = 3 seconds
9- StartXchange
Surf ratio = 3:1 Timer = 5 seconds
10- Tezak Traffic Power
Surf ratio = 3:1 Timer = 8 seconds
Please note that 2:1 surf ratio mean you have to surf 2 websites to get 1 visit to your site.
On EasyHits4U you can earn free advertising credits by viewing other website-ads from a user base of over 1.2 million accounts. Earn advertising credits fast with a view per view model.